Laws of Ukraine

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Laws of Ukraine

LAW OF UKRAINE On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On the Combined Production of Heat and Electric Energy (Cogeneration) and the Use of Waste Energy Potential" regarding the development of highly efficient cogeneration

LAW OF UKRAINE On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On the Combined Production of Heat and Electric Energy (Cogeneration) and the Use of Waste Energy Potential” regarding the development of highly efficient cogeneration

Document 2955-IX, enters into force, current version — Adoption dated 24.02.2023

LAW OF UKRAINE On the combined production of heat and electricity (cogeneration) and the use of waste energy potential

Document 2509-IV, current, current edition – Edition of 11/13/2021, founded – 1818-IX

Its purpose is to legalize the creation of a legal framework for improving the efficiency of fuel use in energy production processes or other technological processes, the development and application of technologies for the combined production of electrical and thermal energy, improving the reliability and security of energy supply at the regional level, attracting investment in the creation of cogeneration plants

LAW OF UKRAINE On Energy Efficiency

Document 1818-IX, current, current edition – Adopted on 10/21/2021

This Law defines the legal, economic and organizational foundations of relations arising in the field of ensuring energy efficiency in the production, transportation, transmission, distribution, supply and consumption of energy.

LAW OF UKRAINE on heat supply

Document 2633-IV, current, current edition – Edition of 11/13/2021, founded – 1818-IX

This Law defines the main legal, economic and organizational bases for activities at heat supply facilities and regulates relations related to the production, transportation, supply and use of heat energy in order to ensure the energy security of Ukraine, improve the energy efficiency of heat supply systems, create and improve. market of thermal energy and protection of the rights of consumers and workers in the field of heat supply

LAW OF UKRAINE On the electricity market

Document 2019-VIII, valid, current edition – Edition of 12/09/2021, founded – 1931-IX

This Law determines the legal, economic and organizational basis for the functioning of the electricity market, regulates relations related to the production, transmission, distribution, purchase and sale, supply of electricity to ensure reliable and safe supply of electricity to consumers, taking into account the interests of consumers, the development of market. relations, minimizing the cost of supplying electricity and minimizing the negative impact on the environment

LAW OF UKRAINE On alternative fuels

Document 1391-XIV, current, current edition – Edition of 11/11/2021, founded – 1820-IX

This Law defines the legal, social, economic, environmental and organizational foundations for the production (extraction) and use of alternative fuels, as well as stimulating an increase in the share of their use up to 20 percent of the total fuel consumption in Ukraine until 2020.


Document 187/98-VR, current, current edition – Edition of 10/16/2020, basis – 124-IX

This Law determines the legal, organizational and economic bases for activities related to the prevention or reduction of waste generation, their collection, transportation, storage, sorting, processing, recycling and disposal, neutralization and burial, as well as the prevention of the negative impact of waste on the environment. natural environment and human health on the territory of Ukraine.

LAW OF UKRAINE On Ratification of the Financial Agreement (Project "Energy Efficiency of Public Buildings in Ukraine") between Ukraine and the European Investment Bank

Document 1663-IX, current, current version – Adopted on 07/15/2021

LAW OF UKRAINE On energy lands and the legal regime of special zones of energy facilities

Document 2480-VI, current, current edition – Edition of 08/20/2021, based – 1657-IX

This Law defines the legal and organizational framework for the provision and use of land plots for the placement of energy facilities, the establishment and observance of the legal regime of lands of special zones of energy facilities in order to ensure the uninterrupted functioning of these facilities, rational use of land, as well as safe life and protection of the population and economic facilities from impact of possible accidents

LAW OF UKRAINE On energy efficiency of buildings

Document 2118-VIII, current, current edition – Edition dated 12/01/2020, basis – 199-IX

This Law defines the legal, socio-economic and organizational principles of activities in the field of ensuring the energy efficiency of buildings and is aimed at reducing energy consumption in buildings.